Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Oh, To Be His Snake's Woman Partner

This was in my Lady Ann’s Brothel message box this morning:
After I/she/you came to know Your advertisement’s details
nPerish come I train you that be honored builder we progress so that by the official demand of the marriage languid be created my snake’s woman partner
Languid prepared for is a question or which an inquiry you should know him
With the pure of a greeting
On Jehu or He/they makes my correspondence strong if you don’t decree the connection across the position
I hope for the answer spoliation or an obligation
I now have to run this through my Magic Comprehensive Syntax Analyzer, and see if I can extract anything coherent out of it in any way whatsoever.
If you do find this and you are the original author, you speak in strange whispers, friend. Please be aware that I prefer standard English or broken French for all further communications.


Mu Ling said...

If you figure it out, please post a translation. Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...


This reminded me of the first time I got something like this in French. I had been working there for a couple months and felt I had an increasingly strong understanding of the language...and then my email got hit with something similar to what you've posted here.

It took me days to figure it out. Parts of it I chalked up to Internet shorthand (i.e. "j'peux" instead of "je peux" or "vsavfait" instead of "vous avez fait") but other bits of it just made no sense. I spent days trying to figure it out before I finally brought it into the office...and then felt like an idiot when my coworker told me it didn't mean anything at all =)

I think it's the "broken French" part that brought that memory back lol. Good luck with your syntax analyzer.